At Independence Elementary STEM, the school day starts at 7:30am and ends at 2:15pm. Students may begin arriving at 7:20am, and no supervision is available before this time. Students must be picked up immediately after school. If they are not picked up by 2:30pm, they will be escorted to Kids Club, and applicable fees will apply. If you need care beyond this time, you must make arrangements with Kids Club.
Drop Off Procedures
When dropping off, please pull past Door A and into our drop off zone, which is marked by two solid white lines and four orange cones. Once the vehicle is in the drop-off zone, students may exit from the passenger side (school-facing) door and enter the school through Door A as quickly as possible to keep our traffic flow running smoothly.
Once your child has exited, if there are no cars in front of you, slowly pull forward and exit the parking lot. If a car is stopped in front of you, move slowly to the left lane to exit, being sure to stop at all crosswalks when pedestrians are present.
Pick Up Procedures
In order to help ensure a safe and secure student release process, Independence Elementary STEM uses a barcoded pick-up system. All families who regularly pick up their child are issued a barcoded pick-up permit, which is scanned every day upon pick-up. Students wait in the gym, and are released only when the pass is scanned.
Parents should line up along the curb and pull all the way to the end of the building near the middle school. Staff will begin scanning passes at 2pm, and students will begin exiting out of Door I around 2:10pm, once a staff member scans the barcoded pass. After your child enters the vehicle, you may exit the lot.
Forget your pass? You will need to park, enter into our main office (through Door A), and show your ID. We will only release students to those individuals listed as authorized in Infinite Campus. Your child will meet you in the office. To avoid this, we recommend taking a clear photo of your pass. It is the parents responsibility to monitor who has access to the pick-up pass barcode.